Thin film pressure sensors
Pressure transducers, thin film pressure transducers, sputtered thin film pressure sensor and transducer, heavy duty pressure transducers, pressure transmitter, liquid pressure sensor

Pressure Transducer high Accuracy
3100 / 3200 series thin film pressure transducers
For OEMs that need consistent high levels of performance, reliability and stability the 3100 and 3200 series sputtered thin film pressure transducer unit offers an unbeatable price/performance ratio in a small package size. It features all-stainless steel wetted parts, a broad selection of electrical and pressure connections, and a wide choice of electrical outputs to allow stock configurations suitable for most applications without modification.
Additionally, 3200 series transmitters feature thicker diaphragms and a pressure restrictor to withstand the rigors of cavitations or extreme pressure spikes, delivering years of reliable and stable performance in pulsating applications.
The compact construction of this series makes it ideal for installation where space is at a premium. And it is fully RoHS compliant.
31CS / 32CS series sputtered thin film pressure sensor
For OEMs that need intrinsically safe pressure sensors with consistent high levels of performance, reliability and stability, the 31 / 32CS series sputtered thin film units offer an unbeatable price performance ratio in a small package size. They feature all stainless steel wetted parts, a broad selection of electrical and pressure connections and a wide choice of electrical outputs.
31EP / EA and 32EP / EA series heavy duty pressure transducers
Oil and Gas equipment needs a pressure transducer that is reliable and able to withstand extreme environmental and pressure conditions. Gems Sensors explosion proof units offer an alternative to high priced, unreliable alternatives. The 31EP and 32EP are CSA approved explosion proof, and the 31EA / 32EA carries the ATEX approval. They all feature all stainless steel wetted parts, a broad selection of pressure connections and a wide choice of electrical outputs – the 32 series of each group provide higher proof pressures. Our manufacturing process includes the latest automated equipment, producing consistent sensor performance.
31IS / 32IS series pressure transducers
For OEMs that need intrinsically safe pressure sensors with consistent high levels of performance, reliability and stability, the 31 / 32IS series sputtered thin film units offer an unbeatable price performance ratio in a small package size. They feature all stainless steel wetted parts, a broad selection of electrical and pressure connections and a wide choice of electrical outputs.
3800 / 3820 pressure transmitter
Some of the 3800 features include availability in seven unique ranges from 0 to 10,000 PSI (0 to 689bar), with choice of loop powered (4 - 20mA) or low power (1-5 VDC) output. They feature NEMA4X IP66 housings, all stainless steel wetted parts and hermetically sealed enclosures without O-rings. Dual seal approval and flush mounting are optional.
The new Model 3820 Series is an all stainless steel OEM pressure switch-transmitter. Featuring a standard 4 - 20mA output as well as an optional 1 - 5 VDC output, it builds upon the many performance attributes of the Model 3800, with the addition of a 30V, 120mA normally open solid state relay switch with ±2% URL accuracy. Both the pressure switch set points and pressure measuring range are also field adjustable via the optional calibration kit.
All Model 3800 and 3820 series units are FM, ATEX and CE approved and are accompanied by a three-year product line warranty.
4000 series, high performance, long term stabilit pressure transducers - 15 to 10,000 psi
The 4000 series provides exceptional levels of stability and other performance specifications in a wide variety of enclosures from submersible to differential styles. By using a sputtered sensing element, which achieves a molecular fusion of a strain gauge material, an insulating material, and the 17 - 4 PH ss sensing element, the 4000 series provides the most stable sensor construction possible. These sputtered sensors are packaged for harsh applications requiring long term service where precise laboratory type measurements are required.
4000 series, high temperature, high performance, long term stability pressure transducers - 15 to 6,000 psi
The high temp 4000 series provides exceptional levels of stability and other performance specifications while under excessive temperatures in harsh environments. Using a sputtered sensing element, which achieves a molecular fusion of a strain gauge material, an insulating material, and the 17 - 4 PH ss sensing element, generates the most stable sensor construction possible. These sputtered sensors are packaged for harsh applications requiring long term service where precise laboratory type measurements are required.
4700 series, high performance, high stability, with 5:1 turndown capability industrial transmitters - 10 to 10,000 psi
4700 series provides precise laboratory type measurements in a rugged industrial package complete with turndown capabilities. Exceptional levels of stability and other performance specifications are achieved by using a sputtered sensing element, which achieves a molecular fusion of a strain gauge material, an insulating material, and the 17 - 4 PH ss sensing element. Sputtered or thin film technology provides years of worry free measurements under demanding real world conditions.